
UNITED STATES – Dr. Sam Saba, BCN Joins EASY GLOBAL TRAINING Team as a Senior Adviser in Complimentary Medicine

Our main strength:

Our advisors and experienced online regulatory training consultants who are collaborating with us are the main strength of EASY GLOBAL TRAINING. So, this is key in how uniquely we serve our clients around the globe. Basically, we link you to local experts in the field of your interest with years of industry experience to help you with your country-specific scenarios. All of our major decisions are based on the discussion of all potential aspects with these advisers. Furthermore, we get help from them to review and comment on our educational material that contributes to the quality and accuracy of what we offer to our clients.

Dr. Sam Saba (BCN):

Dr. Sam Saba (BCN),  is a board certified Naturopath with some years of experience in conventional practice. He has more than 20 years of experience in this field in the US and other countries in different complimentary medical clinics. As mentioned by the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board (ANMCB) “the purpose of certification is to set standards, empower consumers and practitioners. Certification is a formal recognition of specialized knowledge, skills and experience in natural health care. ANMCB’s goal is to provide a valuable credential that recognized the educational qualifications of Natural Health Care Practitioners. ANMCB’s Board believes, as the majority of practitioners believe, the Naturopathy is strictly non-invasive natural health care therapy and does not involve prescriptions, surgery, medical procedures or the claims to cure diseases.”

We welcome Dr. Saba at Easy Global

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