Medical Device & Diagnostics
Medical Device News Magazine
- Vesilut peptide may hold the key to advancing our understanding of physiological processes and developing innovative approaches to challenges in molecular biology and beyond.
- Seeing Through the Fog: The Fragility of Vision Your eyes—those tiny windows to the world—are both marvels of nature and delicate masterpieces. One stray scratch, a sudden injury, or even years of wear and tear can turn that once-crystal-clear view into something blurred, distorted, or downright frustrating. It’s as though life handed you a smudged […]
- The GAMEFILM Registry will enroll approximately 120 NFL alumni. The Registry will leverage coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) imaging and insights from the HeartFlow ONE platform (HeartFlow FFRCT and Plaque Analysis) to collect observational data with the goal of better understanding CAD prevalence, risk factors, severity, and treatment protocols among retired athletes.
- “Our BOSS G4 is designed to empower healthcare providers and first responders, and to raise the standard of care in intubation by improving outcomes in emergency intubation situations,” said Gabriel Punsalan, CRNA, MS, CEO and Co-Founder of IVOS Medical, Inc.
- This discovery could lead to new treatments to prevent heart failure, a serious cardiac condition that develops in up to 30% of heart attack survivors within one year.